Joining Ndege Chai Sacco is the best choice you have made so far. By joining us, you immediately get access to these and many other benefits.
- Joining us enables you to enjoy various loan products thereby growing financially in leaps and bounds.
- The various savings products help you save and invest wisely.
- As a members you will be able to use your account to make deposits and to channel salaries from your employer and other payments from businesses, farming, etc.
- The same account will facilitate you to get a loan from BOSA immediately.
- As a member of Ndege Chai Sacco, you will get financial literacy training and information during Members’ Education sessions.
- We are licensed and regulated as a Deposit-Taking Sacco by SASRA.
- We are among the best performing DT-SACCOs in Kenya.
- We have embraced the latest efficient technology in most of our transactions so as to meet and exceed our members/customers needs.